
Mutual understanding

A man is tired of his work and now lies on the sofa. He keeps his eyes closed to allow them to rest a bit. The world's noises and roaring sounds from the streets begin to fade away while the man's mind is slowly falling asleep. While he sleeps, the voices of true sleep thunder into the room.

All the bears that have been sitting on the sofa, seek their way to the man. The calm and peaceful togetherness make them feel happy.

A white-nosed black bear has pressed itself in the man's arms. With its ears curiously pricked up, it listens to the snoring voices the man utters. Finally, it raises its nose and responds to the man with a chary growl. The man reacts to the growl by changing the tone and rhythm of his snoring.

The bear and the man keep on growling and snarling in turns. The other bears are listening to the chat, looking at the man with a smile rippling on their snouts.

The man wakes up rested. He rubs all the bears between their ears and starts to tell them about his dreams. Without noticing it, he speaks in bear language.

Read the original story in Finnish

10 kommenttia:

SusuPetal kirjoitti...

I wonder, if it's difficult to speak in bear language. I've never tried.

isopeikko kirjoitti...

He succeeded only because he did not try it, SusuPetal. I think.

Arjaanneli kirjoitti...

Is it possible, that those bears has beeing here too?
Sometimes I woke up because of the noise that is coming from next to me...
Somebody talks bear...

isopeikko kirjoitti...

It is possible, Arjaanneli. Very possible. Bears keep silent until they find someone who understands... It seems that you are one of them.

jl kirjoitti...

I think my husband sometimes speaks bear language. And he doesn't notice it.

isopeikko kirjoitti...

That may happen, jl. Actually I think that it is quite common among the men. They might even claim that they do not know bear language at all.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Tarinasi kuin miehinen Kultakutri karhujen talossa, mutta taas yllätit lopulla. No, joskushan naiset sanovat olevansa miehensä vieressä kuin nallekarhun kainalossa...

isopeikko kirjoitti...

Yllättäminen on mukavaa, marjaisa. Peikko kyllä tykkää vanhoista tarinoista, sellaisista kuin Kultakutri. Se yllättyy joka kerran kun se ei kuitenkaan muista miten se tarina meni edellisellä kerralla. Ja vaikka muistaisi, niin missäs on sanottu että se tarina menee joka kerralla samalla tavalla.

Juju kirjoitti...

Hellyyttävää. Tämä on kuin meidän mies ja koira! (kutsumme kotiamme karhunpesäksi)

isopeikko kirjoitti...

Peikonkin miäli heltyy aina kaikenlaisten elukoiden kohdalla. Sen miälestä karhut on hirmu mukavia ja koeratkin. Sen miäli heltyy siitäkin, että sen tarinat koetaan hellyttävinä. Koeralle terveisiä peikolta. Tai sitten ne voi pitää itte jollei se huali niitä :)