
The Face of Foxness

""Brother", says the fox to a fox. "Tell me why that fox lives under the water."

"Tell me how come you are always drinking at the same time with me. Tell me why our noses touch when we are drinking. Tell me how come your eyes shine with the very same foxness that I feel inside this fox."

"Brother", answers a fox to the fox. "Tell me why that fox is in the air."

"Tell me how you always know when to wait there every time I feel like having some fresh air. Tell me how you know when to brush your nose onto my nose. Tell me how your swaying tail can be felt whisking in this fox's tail."

The fox brothers stroll alongside the water edge with the same pace. A trace of smile ripples into a similar pattern on the corners of their mouths. Foxness increases at their every step.

5 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Muuntauminen jatkuu (kutuversio):

“Brother”, says the fox to a fox, “tell me why that fox lives underwater”.

“Tell me how come you are always drinking at the same time as me. Tell me why our noses touch when we are drinking. Tell me how come your eyes shine the very same foxness that I feel inside this fox."

"Brother", answers a fox to the fox. "Tell me why that fox is airborne.”

“Tell me why you are always there, waiting, each time I feel like some fresh air. Tell me how come you know exactly when to push your nose against mine.
Tell me how come your tail is wagging as my tail. (/Tell me how come you tail is wagging as if it were mine.)”

The fox brothers stroll at the same pace along the waterline. A trace of smile ripples alike at the corners of their mouths.

Step by step their foxness is increasing.

isopeikko kirjoitti...

Kiitos Kutu :) Kutuversiossa on paljon hienoja oivalluksia :) kuten tuo vastakkainasettelu airborne/underwater. Hännätkin heiluvat ihan samaan tahtiin :) Olisi todella hienoa ymmärtää kaikki pienet nyanssit :)

isopeikko kirjoitti...

Luin tätä vielä. Pidän sen konstailemattomuudesta. Siitä että toista kieltä on käytetty sen omilla ehdoilla.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Kiitos, Isopeikko. Mutta älä lue enää tarkemmin ;) Sillä ei se kääntynyt ajatuksen kanssa vaan nopeasti, tajunnan käännösvirrassa, hah haa. Peikkomaisuus siitä karisi, ikävä kyllä. Vain peikko osaa kirjoittaa peikkoenglantia.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hilarious! Both the "original" English version and kutuharju's translation.